Kai Tak Station Square

Hong Kong Project

Project Developer   




A leisure park with recreational facilities; and an extensive pedestrian link between the Kai Tak Station, the Kai Tak Sports Park (KTSP), Lung Tsun Stone Bridge and the nearby residential / commercial developments. Ancillary facilities include a park management office, toilets, changing rooms, refuse collection chamber, a service yard, pavilion and storeroom adjacent to the lawn bowls greens.


A pedestrian passage to facilitate visitors walking between the future Kai Tak station and the KTSP with covered protection against adverse weather which also help to contain any potential noise caused by park users to the nearby residents.


The Station Square is enriched with various leisure activities e.g. cycling, lawn bowling with natural elements e.g. trees, lawns and a water feature.


In this Project, MES uses BIM as a platform to facilitate project planning, site administration, safety planning, design co-ordination, clash detection, financial planning, minimization of abortive works, waste reduction and efficient asset management.

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